Vending Machine: Freestanding or Table Top?
Vending machines have become common in our daily life. Indeed, we can find them everywhere: in commercial centres, office, airports and railway stations.
You can choose a vending machine among many options.
In the following article the advantages and disadvantages of both freestanding and table top vending machines are described in order to help you in your choice.
Vending machine models available in the market
In the market there are several vending machine models but the two most popular categories are the freestanding and table top models.
Freestanding Vending machine
Freestanding machines, as you can easily deduce from the name, are the models that do not require any base cabinet. They are big because they are usually planned to be used in places where there is a high demand of consumptions such as commercial stores, hospitals or railway stations.
This kind of vending machine can supply a wide range of products such as snacks, hot and cold drinks, cigarettes and even medicines.
Their capacity is higher than the table top models and as a result they need to be supplied with products less often.
Anyway because of their size they need more space and a more frequent maintenance. Moreover, they can’t be used in small spaces or in any place with space restrictions.
Our main freestanding models are F450 and F600, both with glass keyboard or touch screen, F300 for tea in leaves, that is able to supply tea in leaves through an infusion system and the model Acquamat that can supply water reducing the plastic consumption.
Table top Vending machine
The table top vending machines, as you can easily deduce from the name, are planned to be placed on a base cabinet or any support base. They are more compact and lightweight than the freestanding models. They are usually placed in offices, shops or in hotel breakfast corners.
They offer a wide range of products but their product storage capacity is lower than the one of freestanding models.
Indeed because of their lower storage capacity these models need to be supplied with products more often than the freestanding models.
Most of our product range, both and vending, is covered by table top models.
Anyway, in order to meet with the market request, we have also developed a hybrid model: EIS that is a table top model with automatic cups as the freestanding models.

Therefore, both freestanding and table top vending machines have advantages and disadvantages and the model choice may depend on specific circumstances, such as the place typology and the user’s request.
As a result, if you are looking for a vending machine, we suggest you considering all the available options and in case of any doubt we invite you to contact us in order to be informed about all the available options.